Frequently asked questions about Clarity Upgrades…
Do I have to do a 15.9.1 assessment before an upgrade?
No, however the assessment is highly recommended. A comprehensive assessment will help make efficient use of resources, reduce potential for error and re-work and accelerate solution adoption for version 15.9.1.
Does the assessment fit all customers?
The assessment approach is clearly defined but provides flexibility to meet customer needs. In cases where Optovia is actively involved at your site or has recently implemented Clarity, there may not be a substantial need to re-gather and re-examine your PPM processes and implementation.
Is a 15.9.1 assessment required to provide a client with an estimate for upgrading to Clarity 15.9.1?
No. Unless the implementation is well known by Optovia, the client still must participate in a fact finding engagement. Based on those findings, a number of assumptions will be made regarding existing functionality, data, and required technology components and identified in the proposal.
Is the assessment a paid services offering?
No. Optovia offers a free assessment with great value and provides an evaluation of their current implementation and whether or not they plan to upgrade directly.
How long does the assessment take?
The assessment takes two days on-site and additional time off-site to compile the results. For more complex and large implementations, the assessment may require more time and more resources to complete.
What is the value of the assessment if we do not plan to upgrade directly?
There are a number of specific improvements that will be identified that may be able to be implemented without an upgrade. The client may choose to make some or all of the improvements prior to upgrade, as part of the upgrade project, or after the upgrade.