Business never stops and neither do active projects.
As you know, situations occur at the most inopportune moments, and likely you do not have access to your computer. Clarity Go provides a simple, intuitive, and familiar interface to your Clarity data via your iOS or Android device. You can quickly login and with few taps and swipes on your device, you are accessing your project. Now, you can take action based on the information literally in your hand.
Clarity Go is straightforward and easy to use. The data you see is based on your Blueprints. The tiles on your main screen allow you to quickly access the information you require. Best of all, it is free.
User Guide
Version 1.0.2
Clarity Go by Optovia, allows you to view certain Clarity data from wherever you have network access (wireless or data) to your Clarity instance. This app supports your security policies, by Logging in via SSO or username/password supports your organizations security. This free application is available on both iOS and Android.
To use the mobile application you require:
- iOS 9 or higher
- Android OS 7.0 or higher
- Wireless or data network
- Supports Clarity 15.5.0 and higher on SaaS or On-Premise
Access Rights
Utilizes your existing access right to ensure your users can only see the information they are allowed to see.
How to Install
1) Search for “Clarity Go” in Google Play or the App Store on your mobile device
2) Download Clarity Go
3) Once the download is completed, launch the Clarity Go app and log into your system.
Logging into the App
The Mobile applications support both SSO and Username/Password authentication mechanisms.
- The Mobile applications support both SSO and Username/Password authentication mechanisms.
- To login, simply select the login method and follow the steps below.
To login using your username and password, follow these steps:
- Enter your SSO URL
- Enter your User Name
- Enter you Clarity password
- Press the ‘Sign In’ button
Username / Password
To login using your username and password, follow these steps:
- Enter the URL for your Clarity instance
- Enter your username
- Enter you Clarity password
- Press the ‘Sign In’ button
Home Screen
Once Logged in, you are presented with the home screen which displays the following tiles as groupings for projects:
Provided out of the box are:
- My Projects
- Active Projects
- Starred Projects
You have the capability to add additional tiles, and can include counts. In the example to the left we have created:
- Critical Status
- At Risk Status
- On Track Status
- No Status
- Status Trending up
- Status Trending Down
- Over Schedule
- Over Budget
To view a list of projects in that particular category, tap the tile.
Accessing Projects
Projects are accessed based upon their grouping as shown above. For example to access ‘My Projects’, tap the ‘My Projects’ tile. Where there are more projects than can be displayed on the screen, swipe down to cycle through them.
Searching for Projects
To search for a particular project, press the magnifying glass icon, then enter your text where it says ‘Search’, Press ‘done’. A list of projects that match the name (or portion of) will be displayed. Tap on the project to view its information.
Viewing Project Information
To view project information, tap on the tile for your project and the project -> Details tab will be displayed.
Just like Clarity, sections are collapsible. To expand or collapse a section, tap the section header.
The tabs that are displayed for the project are based on the Blueprint that the project utilizes. To scroll through the tabs, swipe right.
Additional Information
By selecting a tile in the Status, Risks, Issues, or Changes tab, a window will open dispalaying that Status, Risk, Issue, or Changes Request information, as can be seen below:
Conversation are available to be read in Risks, Issues, Change requests, Tasks and Projects. The example below shows conversations at the project, task and risk level.
To Do’s can also be read for tasks.
To view your notifications, press the ‘Notifications’ icon at the bottom of the screen. The Notifications window will be displayed. Clarity Go checks for notifications every 5 minutes. You can also swipe down to refresh your notification window with any new notifications.
Pressing on the Support icon on the bottom of the application, provides the following functionality:
Help – Opens a window containing the Clarity Go user guide.
Community Support – Opens a window to the Clarity community.
Contact Us – Opens a window to allow you to contact Optovia about the Clarity Go app.
Write Us Feedback – Opens a window to allow you to comment and provide feedback on the Clarity Go app.
Clarity Go will terminate an inactive session according to the ‘minutes of Inactivity until Logout’ parameter value as defined in System Options.
Updating the Mobile Dashboard
Out of the box, Clarity Go allows you to view ‘My Projects’, ‘Starred Projects’, and ‘Active Projects’. This mobile app allows your organization to personalize the dashboard screen with your own tiles for grouping projects and include metrics. The tiles on the dashboard, would be consistent for all your users.
To customize Clarity Go to add additional tiles, please contact Optovia as we will provide the free components (Mobile Custom Metrics custom object, blueprint and process) that are required on your Clarity server and a free call to help walk you through the process.
The recommended process to configure Clarity Go is as follows:
Decide on dashboard contents with stakeholders
As the dashboard will be common among all Clarity Go users, it is important to understand the additional tiles and business rationale for those tile that are to be added. Tiles should be added that would provide meaningful information and project grouping for your stakeholders.
You will want to collect the following information:
- What tiles do you want to add? (for example: projects with no status, projects over budget, projects in a critical status, projects over schedule, etc)
- What color should the tile be?
- Do you want a count for the tile?
Create Boolean attributes on project object
Once the tiles have been decided, your Clarity administrator(s) will be required to add the appropriate attributes to the Project Object.
- Create an attribute for each tile. The attribute ID and API Attribute ID must start with a single letter followed by a ‘_’, followed by a name. For example: “z_critical_status”
- The attribute must be a Boolean data type
Add attributes to gel script “mobile dashboard metrics” process
After the attributes have been defined, the gel script that collects the information that powers the additional tiles requires to be updated. The underlying logic providing the counts must be created/modified in the script provided by Optovia.
Add Metrics to the Mobile Dashboard Metrics Custom Object
The Metrics that have now been created in the project object and in “mobile dashboard metrics” process, are now required to be added to the “Mobile Dashboard Metrics” custom object. From this object, your Clarity administrator will be able to define the order and color of the tiles.
1) You will need to select “Mobile Dashboard Metrics” from Custom objects.
Take out Created by, date, last updated, blueprint, and icon.
2) Add an entry for each of your organization’s metrics that were created.
a) Name – Enter the name that will be displayed on the tile
b) Active – Select this field if you want the metric to be displayed.
c) Count – Do not enter anything here, it will be populated by the script used
d) Comment – Enter a description of the metric
e) Filter Attribute – Enter the API attribute ID
f) Sequence – Enter where in the order this tile will be displayed
g) Color – Enter the hex value for the colour of the tile (RRGGBB)
Schedule “mobile dashboard metrics” process
Once your configuration is completed the final step is to schedule the “mobile dashboard metrics” process. Using the “Execute a Process” job in the Clarity job scheduler, schedule the “mobile dashboard metrics” process. This process will only populate the metrics on your dashboard. Other behaviors in Clarity Go, like Notifications is handled by the Clarity Go application. Care has been taken to keep the Clarity Go app to be lightweight not impact system resources, you should schedule the process in an appropriate manner. It is recommended that the job be scheduled in 15 minute increments.
Default view for Risks, Issues, Change Requests, Staff, and Status Reports
Out of the box, Clarity Go will utilize the Standard View when rendering the detailed view of Risks, Issues, Change Requests, Staff, and Status reports. While this may suffice for some organizations, Clarity Go allows for each of those modules to have its own custom view, that would be common across all users of Clarity Go.
The recommended process to develop those views would be as follows:
Decide on dashboard contents with stakeholders
Understanding the requirements of your Clarity Go users is vital when tailoring the detailed views of each module. This ensure that the information displayed meets their business requirements and reduces rework.
Administrator creates zz_mobile_view for Risks
Clarity administrator creates a new view for risks called ‘zz_mobile_view’. This view does not have to be set as a default view.
Administrator creates zz_mobile_view for Issues
Clarity administrator creates a new view for Issues called ‘zz_mobile_view’. This view does not have to be set as a default view.
Administrator creates zz_mobile_view for Change Requests
Clarity administrator creates a new view for Change requests called ‘zz_mobile_view’. This view does not have to be set as a default view.
Administrator creates zz_mobile_view for Staff Requests
Clarity administrator creates a new view for Staff called ‘zz_mobile_view’. This view does not have to be set as a default view.
Administrator creates zz_mobile_view for Staff Requests
Clarity administrator creates a new view for Staff called ‘zz_mobile_view’. This view does not have to be set as a default view.
Administrator creates zz_mobile_view for Status Report
Clarity administrator creates a new view for Status Report called ‘zz_mobile_view’. This view does not have to be set as a default view.
Once the views are created, Clarity Go will automatically use them.